Be A Member and Visit Our Kubelenga Library!

Kubelenga is a newly furbished, diverse library that has a vibrant and beautiful atmosphere that will tickle your curiosity not only in French literature but also assorted with English and Nyanja authors. “Kubelenga” means reading in our very own local language Nyanja. It’s actually a place where an interactive dialogue between different cultures is permitted.

In Kubelenga we use the Dewey Decimal Classification System to suite the unique needs of our collections. Our library houses over 3,000 copies of books in genres ranging from fantasy/sci-fi, thrillers, philosophy, dramas to romance and biographies; from books of history, art, to dictionaries and natural sciences. There are also over a hundred DVDs amongst which the general public are welcome to select and watch the film or animation of their choice right here in a comfortable corner in the library space (with wireless headphones). Finally, we do have a variety of fun games that are family-friendly and can be used for your entertainment.

The process of becoming a member is short, simple and effective. You will be guided by a kind and experienced librarian named Mumbi Mwelwa and the other library support staff (Faith and Abigail). Everyone is welcome to the Alliance Française to enjoy the benefits of membership. To become a member, fill in the relevant form provided here or in the library section of this website. You can make the payment via baking transfer or at our offices. For more information, please email us at or call us on +260 950 9346 40.

AF Student: K150
External Student: K250
Individual Membership: K400
Family: K600
Institutional Membership: K1000